Learn How to Thrive Program
The program includes 12 one-hour sessions, 2 sessions per month over a six month period. Sessions include personalized information, hand-outs, assessments, and recommendations for reaching your individual health and wellness goals. Every session is followed up by an email recapping our discussion with links and attachments to resources when appropriate, and email support is provided throughout the program.

Cost of 6-Month Program $1200
There are various pricing plans to suit your financial situation. Payment must be made by the start of the first session. You can also pay in person with cash or checks and receive the same discounts listed below. To pay by Credit Card, select the payment plan below that suits you best. 
I want to pay in full today to Save $75
I want to pay half ($580) now and half ($580) in 3 months to Save $40
I want to pay monthly by making reoccurring payments of $200 for 6 months
Pantry and Refrigerator Make-Overs
Overwhelmed by what’s in your pantry? Can never seem to make the most of the space in your refrigerator? Not sure of the best way to store food? In this 2.5-hour pantry and refrigerator make-over I come to your home to clean out and organize your pantry and refrigerator so the food is more accessible when you go to cook a meal, and there are healthier choices for you to grab when you feel like snacking. Having your kitchen clean and in good order makes it more inviting and easier to cook meals at home and to live a healthier lifestyle. I'll also show you tips and tricks on how to utilize your freezer and refrigerator space most efficiently, store food properly, and reduce overall food waste. The make-over also includes food storage bins that will keep your kitchen organized.

Grocery Store Tour
In this 1-hour tour we will meet at a grocery store of your choice to explore and learn what to look out for and how to select the best foods to bring home. You also have the option to meet at your nearest health food store to learn what they have to offer and how to navigate them. With either choice I will provide you with tips and handouts on how to make the most of grocery shopping, including recipes for things you may want to try.